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Beauty is a dynamic event that occurs between you and something else. Beauty can spontaneously occur at any moment given the proper circumstances, context, or point of view. Beauty is thus an altered state of consciousness, an extraordinary moment of poetry and grace.

— Leonard Koren, Wabi Sabi


I come from a degree in Socio-Cultural Anthropology and a family of designers. I've been working in Art, Food Styling and Direction for the past 15 years. I live and work in various countries and express myself in two languages. These things influence me. I like to unearth and play with the deeper cultural “norms” — conscious or subconscious — we live in.

I prefer to work with alive things and not dead things; things that constantly change. I often work with food because of its peculiar and overwhelming capacity to captivate a human being. I love beautiful things, and I love to make seemingly not beautiful things become beautiful, which is usually a simple change of perspective. 

I like jokes and playful ideas and taking things out of their context towards fresh ways of seeing and understanding.

Personally, I can tend to ruts — ruts in the mind, ruts in habits, putting my feet in the mud and getting stuck. I insist on conceptual work because it keeps my mind from getting crusty. A personal self-care approach that also contributes to creating, I hope, a more interesting environment to live in.

I love win-wins.

I understand creativity as a subtle agent for evolution. I don't often yell or go to protests or get into heated discussions on politics. I work in the quiet, nearly imperceptible micro-levels. I work in the details and the undercurrents. I tend towards unaggressive approaches to reworking thought and habit, using art / delight / humor / play / imagination as platforms for change.


Thanks for your interest.

xoxo, A


ARG  +54 911 3209-0775
USA  +1 763 238-1462





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