A Tribute to Budgie
Digesting life through Food Illustration.
This 5-part food illustration series is based on the interpretation of different birds, highlighting the unique humor in their design and physical characteristics.
Illustrations created with 100% food elements.
This was a personal project named after my pet bird Budgie, relating to a loss of a relationship in which I also lost my bird. More of a metaphor and a dedication to both — a tangible expression of mourning and part of my healing process. I believe that all experiences, even grief, can take shape to create sometime new and beautiful.
Each food element used in the illustrations is shown around the plates to help explain the different colors, shapes and textures achieved.
Inspired by illustrator Charley Harper.
A Tribute to Budgie / Flamingo / Birds on Wire / Owl Cubed / Woodpecker
Selected features:
My Modern Met
Concept + Creative Direction + Food Styling/Illustration: Anna Keville Joyce
Photography + Retouching: Agustín Nieto