Anthro-Photographic Study
Lo Sereno Casa de Playa / Troncones, MÉXICO
We were together. I forget the rest. — Walt Whitman
After nearly a decade living in Buenos Aires, this year I found myself States-side.
Argentina had closed its borders, and I was already on the other side. What was a 2-week covid-vacation turned into months, then more than a year, away from the place
I knew as home.
Piano sheet music left mid-song.
Tea cup still on the countertop.
Fresh cat litter, just in case…
The loss of place is sad, but the loss of community is heartbreak. Latin love is latin gold, and in its absence I’ve recognized even more deeply its resonance and its worth.
In response to this human thirst I created HUMAN LOVE: an anthro-photographic study celebrating the transcendent connections that make up the scaffolding of the human psyche.
Produced together with friend/colleague Kai York along the wild Mexican coast of Lo Sereno Casa de Playa.
Dedicated to Buenos Aires and dedicated to us: delicate, dynamic souls upheld by human connection.
May touch, sense, friction, texture, movement, elasticity, warmth, pressure, be honored. And return with a refreshing rush of salty ocean wave.
Unbind. Love wildly. HUMAN LOVE.
Though I’ve forgotten half my life, I still remember this. — Leonard Cohen
Concept + Creative Direction + Production + Styling: Anna Keville Joyce
Photography + Retouching: Kai York
Location: Lo Sereno Casa de Playa, Troncones, Mexico