Creating an unexpected pair.
Short Rib + Chive Flowers / Honey Comb + Garlic Scapes
Chamomile Blossoms + Shropshire Blue / Popping Corn + Fava Bean Pod
Aloe Vera + Toffee Chocolate / Oyster + Asparagus
Inspired by this poem…
Rubber Band.
I like a certain type
of rubber band,
with a band that’s
thick &
Only the tan ones.
They come in boxes
with rubber band dust,
& then hang above my sink.
Not circles, or anything really,
shape indistinct,
they give you…
freedom, & limitation;
expansion, & a place to come home.
I want love like
my rubber bands.
Exhibited with a floating frame design in Buenos Aires, 2017
Rubber Band poem published in the November 2020 issue of Chronogram NY
Concept + Creative Direction + Food/Prop Styling: Anna Keville Joyce
Photography + Retouching: Aaron Graubart Photography